Katrina Rasbold

Katrina is an author of both fiction and non-fiction, an instructor who has lectured throughout California, an internet personality with YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram presence, a Witch of many decades (4 so far), a Tarotolotist and divinator, a healer, a recluse (it has to be huge for me to leave my house, not because I am so much of a hermit, but because I love my house and it’s ugly out there in the world sometimes), a wife (married to Eric since 1997 and with him since 1996), and a mother (I am accountable for making 6 adults who are out there loose in the world and who, I have to say, have excellent taste in partners).

Two levels

The free level is for the basic stuff. The paid level is for my 1-2 posts a week that are deeper and more…me. That’s the stuff I don’t share with just anyone on social media.

Other things

My official website is at www.katrinarasbold.com, which contains my link tree of everywhere you can find me. In 2022, Eric and I retired from storefront retail sales and in 2023, we retired from festival vending. You can still purchase are (admittedly wonderful) handmade magical items at www.crossroadsoccult.com, as well as order personal spellwork, readings, and cleansings.

Subscribe to Katrina’s Substack

This is where I write my personal ruminations and innermost thoughts that I do not necessarily want on other social media. This one is the real me. I look forward to sharing this space with you.


Author, Witch, Priestess, Tarotologist, Instructor, Healer, Wife, & Mom