How do you feel about astrology? The practice itself goes back to biblical times with one of the best known mentions being New Testament story of the “wise men” who followed the Star of Bethlehem to find the newborn savior.
Throughout history, kings had astrologers in their court who studied the stars and advised them on the best times to marry, go to battle, or make other critical choices. Science does not back up astrology, but anecdotal evidence is impressive when we examine the archetypes of the zodiac and the influence of planetary placement on life events.
The fascination people have with the stars and planets reaches back before recorded history and yet, even now in our technological, academic world, people still check their horoscopes and reference their birth charts.
Astrology is akin to Numerology in that it is an ancient modality that people still practice today. This is because for those who make a concerted study of these nuanced subjects, the accuracy is fascinating. Is it randomized coincidence at work or is there a fundamental science involved that we do not yet understand? The answer is “yes” to both.
People thought childbed fever was random until they learned that it came from physicians dissecting cadavers and delivering babies without sterilizing their hands and instruments in between. Bubonic Plague was random in the cities it wiped out until we identified the rodent flea that carried the disease. Often, what appears “random” is merely a scientific puzzle we have not yet solved.
When I first began learning about astrology, we had to cast a person’s chart by hand, carefully tracking the houses and degrees using a compass, ruler, ephemeris, and intense precision. It was, quite frankly, exhausting and quite subject to error.
Now, we have computer programs that do the same thing without the margin for human error. The glyphs on a chart tell you what house and sign your pertinent celestial bodies were in at the moment of your birth. That it why it is so critical that you know your birth time when creating a chart. A miscalculation of a few minutes will likely have minimal effect on your chart. An error of an hour or more can throw off the entire arrangement.
When a person asks, “What sign are you?” they mean your sun sign or, more directly, what sign was the sun in at the moment of your birth. This is, however, merely the foundation on which your personality is constructed. The Moon sign tells you how you respond emotionally in life. The Rising Sign or Ascendent tells us how you present in the world. The placement of Mercury addresses your communication style. Venus shows us how you interact with others. Mars shows how you handle conflict and if you are proactive or reticent in life.
All of these factors come together to create a personality profile based on celestial body positions in the sky at the time of birth. The placement of those celestial bodies relative to each other also provides information about challenges or blessings the person is likely to encounter in their life.
This is another important way that Numerology and Astrology are similar. In each case, we learn vital information about how we engage the world and where our strengths and weaknesses lie. This can help us to know and understand ourselves better and to improve how we relate to others and manage various experiences.
Reading the birth chart of another person gives us insight into their behaviors and how to best navigate our relationship with them.
When we read a monthly, weekly, or daily horoscope, it is usually based on the sun sign. This is a great start, but as you can now see, it only gives us part of the picture. “All Virgos will feel challenged in love this week because Venus and Mars are unfavorably aspected” is great information to have, but clearly, life is more nuanced than that.
I have provided natal charts for people for over a decade now and I am always impressed with how accurate astrology can be in defining someone’s overall personality. I trust it enough that if a person says that the chart does not feel accurate to them, I ask them to recheck the birth information they provided to me. Invariably, if there are glaring contradictions in the chart, the information was inaccurate in some way. is the link to use if you’d like to order a chart from me. It costs $25 for a basic chart, which is the classic “wheel” chart plus a multi-page explanation of what all of it means. For $65, you get the same package, but I personally read through every page and make my own notes in the margins throughout the explanations. I then mail the chart to you so that you have the only hard copy. Most charts are 8-10 pages of charting and interpretation total. The price includes standard postage or you can upgrade to Priority Mail for $8.00 additional.
I also provide charts specific to your romantic relationships (need the birth information for both people), your relationship with money, your soul’s purpose, and your family relationships.
Whether you order from me or chart your astrology profile elsewhere, it is fascinating information to have to increase your self-awareness and personal evolution!