Hello From Crossroads
Hello Everyone!
Eric and I hope all of you had a wonderful Mother’s Day either spending it with moms and kids you love or sharing happy memories of those who have passed. Both Eric and I are adult orphans, so we send our moms love from the earthly plane and miss them terribly. Mother’s Day can be a challenging day when death or estrangement complicates the narrative. All six of my kids stepped up to the plate, so I feel blessed.
Of course, my mother is on my mind and I wish with all my heard I could talk with her just one more time. That being said, what are the chances that of all the times I could have been born into, I can, sixty plus years later, lovingly optimize her photos with a click to bring in color like the Wizard of Oz, to remove imperfections, and to bring the images to life?
I can listen to the mourning doves outside my window, looking out my office window across a beautiful valley in the Central California mountains and gaze at images of this vibrant, troubled woman who died twenty-one years ago and loved me so fiercely.
A few mouse clicks can take away or minimize the imperfections on the photos, but it takes years of therapy, so much shadow work, a lot of Wellbutrin to mitigate the actual imperfections. Mom suffered from some of the same mental health challenges and abuse cycles that I have worked through and on in my life, but she did not have the resources or the tools to secure the better outcomes that I have managed. I am happy and proud to have known her and loved her. Still, I will always wonder who she would have been without the demons she had to battle.
Speaking of battling demons, y’all have been on it. The sales trend likely reflects some rabid spring cleaning, but wow, sprays and washes have been flying off the shelf as quickly as we can get them made!
I restocked the Chinese Wash and 4 Thieves and the mother bottles for all of your favorite sprays are full. You can order them here: https://crossroadsoccult.com/wash/
Another trend has been readings and I have to admit, I didn’t realize our clients would enjoy the video readings so much! I have done email readings for years and Eric’s suggestion, I trudged into the 21st century and began offering pre-recorded video readings for folks, both Tarot and Lenormand. You can check out those here: https://crossroadsoccult.com/tarot-readings/.
We have been busy with candle work for folks, which is always rewarding when you can help someone get closer to and ultimately achieve their goals. https://crossroadsoccult.com/personal-spellwork/ and https://crossroadsoccult.com/candles/ are the links that feature our spellwork and candle selection.
As always, the remote spiritual cleansings are popular and in that case, I do your “spring cleaning” for you. :). https://crossroadsoccult.com/spiritual-cleansings/
I spend most of my time writing blog posts for the Green Egg Magazine Blog. I write four weekly articles there: https://greeneggmagazine.com/blog/ including “Herbalism For Your Day,” “Stone Magic,” “Ask a Witch” (video blog), and “Witch At The Crossroads.” https://greeneggmagazine.com/blog/
On my Patreon Page, I publish two readings each week, plus a full class each month, and a weekly motivational video called “Holding Space.” That all falls under the paid membership, which is $22 a month. In the free second, I repost all of the Green Egg articles as well as my every-other-Thursday broadcast with Dahlia, “Crossroads of Cognizance.” (www.crossroadsofcognizance.com)
The girls and I still do free readings on the Witches At The Crossroads broadcast the first Thursday night of each month. The live stream pops up at www.facebook.com/crossroadsoccult.
If you want a quick link to all of the things I do, you can find me at www.katrinarasbold.com.
I am loosely working on a book that covers the classes included in the BioUniversal Energy series on the healing system that I use. Within that construct is information for basic healing, advanced healing, and a mastery course.
Eric and I hope you are all doing well and also hope you will keep in touch! We are enjoying our “semi-”retirement very much (meaning we work seven days a week now instead of five. We loved bringing Crossroads into the world and we are so grateful that the movement to an online business allowed us to stay in close contact with our clients.
Take care, everyone!