I wrote a quickie article on Imbolc for the Green Egg Blog: (https://greeneggmagazine.com/2024/01/29/witch-at-the-crossroads-imbolc/) about how Eric and I celebrate the holiday within our CUSP spirital tradition.
Along with that, today I saw a series of variations on this theme of posts in Facebook:
Today, people seem to be celebrating our emergence from the darkness. Where I am in Central California, we still have cold weather for another two months or so with occasional warm days, like today. When I lived in Grizzly Flats, which is around and hour out and 3000 feet up from here, we were under threat of snow from October - May. I remember one year, it snowed after the kids got out of school in June. Nope, I do not miss the snow at all.
Here, we get a dusting, sometimes a bit more, but never are we trapped in as we were when we lived further up the mountains.
I can see why Groundhog Day became pivotal in the release of winter and arrival of spring.
This was an especially dark winter, wasn’t it? Although (so far) I was mostly spared, people I am close to and love dearly had their entire Monopoly board, along with the table it sat upon, kicked over by life and are scrambling to rebuild. I have seen completely unexpected break-ups, deaths, job losses, delayed income, and forced relocations. There are a lot of panicked root chakras trying to find balance out there.
Just know that Eric and I see you and we are sending you tons of good vibes and healing energy.
As I discussed in the linked article, Imbolc is coming up on Feb 1 and historically, that is a time when our goals for the year begin to quicken and take on life. I am still thinking about mine, but I think I am settled: Healthy body, healthy home, healthy relationships.
What will you plant in the spring to harvest in the fall?
Dahlia Rose and I just celebrated our 100th episode of “Crossroads of Cognizance” this past Thursday by revisiting the top 10 most popular topics we have covered. I am honored to spend every Thursday with this wonderful healer:
Our live stream is every Thursday (most Thursdays) at 2:00 pm Pacific time. You can watch on Facebook or YouTube by going to www.crossroadsofcognizance.com.
It’s the month’s FIRST THURSDAY this week, so Nelta, Gladys and I are back with Witches At The Crossroads, providing free quickie readings using Tarot, Lenormand, and Oracle cards.
Want to get in on that fun? Just go to our Crossroads Occult Facebook page on Thursday, Feb 1 (also Imbolc!) at 7:00 pm Pacific Time. (www.faceboook.com/crossroadsoccult).
I just posted the Kitchen Witchery class over on my Patreon Page. Each week, I post a new class, new random videos, and new Weekly Focus and Divine Feminine readings. The cost is $22 a month and in times past, just the class itself was $20, so yeah, bargain time!
Want to try your hand at writing an article? Do you have original artwork or poetry you want to share? Green Egg Magazine releases its Ostara issue on March 21 and welcomes submissions for consideration. It’s an unpaid gig for all of us, but we love working for such a great and historical periodical. You can submit by going to https://greeneggmagazine.com/author_info/ or you can send your submission directly to me. The theme for our upcoming quarterly ezine is “Birth and Regrowth.”
Our excellent Yule isue is still available by going to www.greeneggmagazine.com. Only $3.50 and jammed full of wonderful articles, poems, book reviews, and artwork.
Speaking of Green Egg, author Cat Gina Cole and I have been cranking out material like mad for the Green Egg Blog. It is quite a rabbit hole to fall into and we look forward to reading your comments.
If you enjoyed our store, Crossroads Metaphyiscal Store in Shingle Springs, California, remember that you can still order all your favorite Two Sisters Botanica products, as well as the services I provide, by going to www.crossroadsoccult.com. When Eric and I retired, we moved all of our business online and we are extremely grateful for the continued support we receive from our clients. Our wonderful incenses, baths, soaps, oils, curios, candles, and hoodoo products are still available online.
We hope your quickening is amazing and that you are ready to grow great things in your coming year.